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Our​ Story

KENTAC CUSTOM was never really planned, it just kind of happened. As far back as I can remember, I have always been shooting. I believed it was one of the few things that I was good at. I served 12 years in the US Army, 8 years assigned to Special Operations. After I left the military, I became a police officer, and then a deputy sheriff. I seemed to always manage to not only qualify as an expert shooter, but also win the "Top Gun" shooting awards. Many that I served with would ask me to give them pointers so they too could shoot faster, and more accurately. I soon discovered that I had a love for training people. It was exciting for me to watch someone improve their skills, as long as I done my part! So, with the help of my loving family, here we are, KENTAC CUSTOM.


In order to provide the most current and practical training that I can, I regularly attend advanced level training & instructor courses. My goal is to then pass that information & knowledge on to my students. You may only get one opportunity in a self defense situation, give yourself the best chance of survival that you can...get training.


  • ​Tactical Precision Rifle/ Sniper (MSG James Eagleman, 5th Special Forces Group Master Sniper Instructor)
  • Certified Glock Armorer
  • Certified 1911 Armorer
  • Certified 1911 custom gunsmith/ builder 
  • Certified Law Enforcement M16/M4/AR15 Armorer
  • South Carolina Law Enforcement Division Certified instructor
  • Sig Sauer Academy- Multi Assault Counter Terrorism Action Capabilities Instructor
  • Sig Sauer Academy- Active Shooter Response Instructor (Law Enforcement/ SWAT)
  • NRA Certified Instructor
  • NRA Certified Range Safety Officer

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide real world practical firearms & training to those interested in self defense, hunting, or recreational shooting


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